What did Paul mean when he said "At present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror."?
"God Knows"* what that turncoat who wasn't really a turncoat meant YoYoMama,
Paul's overt agenda from the begining was to destroy Jesus Nazarites and thus thier influence in the Jewish diaspora. (I think he was in the pay of Rome like the rest of Jerusalems Temple guardians) I believe he accomplished this by presenting the world with a new religion, one which replaced the martyred Jew with a Christ worthy of veneration throughout the greek speaking world.
In 1Cor. 13:12 Paul may well have had in mind the shape of his new religion then taking form from the myths and legends of the day.
Mr.Fred Hall,
The annointed class have trouble dressing themseves these days. One could say they see but a hazy outline of themselves in the bathroom mirror. I can't remmember any evidence of them thinking anything profound, let alone comprehending ancient Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek manuscripts.
cheers, unclebruce.
* A Paulism.